You create robots that will shape the world of tomorrow? Supercharge your workflows with MARV Robotics, a powerful and extensible data management platform.
The MARV Robotics logs overview
listing_summary =
  filesets | int      | rows | len(rows)
  size     | filesize | rows | sum(x['values'][1] or 0 for x in rows)
listing_sort = Start time | descending
listing_columns =
  Name     | route    | fileset | detail_route(fileset)
  Size     | filesize | fileset | sum(x.size for x in fileset.files)

Rich dynamic web interface

MARV Robotics allows you to make vast amounts of data accessible by web. Your team can access all data and get an overview in a dynamic web GUI. Filter and find information, comment on and tag it for future reference.

Data extracted by a custom node
@marv.input('messages', filter=['*:sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'])
def utm(messages):
    for _, msg, _ in messages:
        east, north = utm.from_latlon(msg.longitude, msg.latitude)[:2]
        yield {'x': east, 'y': north}

@marv.param('magic', help='Magic render parameter')
def utm(utm, magic):
    plt_path, plt_id = marv.make_file(name)
    fig = render(plt_path, utm, magic)
    return plt_id

Driven by your algorithms

Your usecases define what information is relevant for you. MARV Robotics enables you to embed your own custom algorithms to extract this information from robot logs. Build complex networks of processing nodes to trigger algorithms, extract features, and visualize to your needs. And the best thing: it's easy.

Configured OSM trajectory view
[detail bag_meta]
title = Bag metadata

[detail topics]
title = Topics

[detail trajectory]
title = Trajectory
widget = osm
inputs = geo_json_trajectory
initial_zoom = 21

Configurable to the core

Your algorithms extract all relevant information. MARV Robotics does all the rest. Adjust MARV's simple configuration file and create the powerful GUI that your developers deserve and your execs are going to love - no web development experience required.

MARV Robotics at the core of your workflows
import requests
url = ''
api = '/marv/api/2/fileset-listing'
query = '?filter={"tags": {"op": "any", "val": ["outdoor"]}}'
requests.get(url + api + query).json()

Supercharge your workflows

  • MARV Robotics is a team player
  • Existing tools can interface with the API
  • Command line interface for developers to e.g. playback robot logs
  • Regression testing and benchmarking made easier by finding and streaming adequate data

What else can MARV Robotics do for you?

Get an overview of and access to all your robot logs through one centralized interface. No more browsing of network shares. No more copying data manually.

Move data robustly from your robots to your storage system without having to worry about data integrity or data loss.

Dynamic search: “Find nighttime rides near Munich at 4°C outdoor temperature and a peak driving speed of 240km/h and above.”

Download or stream partial robot logs to speed up your development by processing only the data that you need at this very moment.

Automatically run your algorithms on data added to the system. MARV Robotics can even run the same code that powers your robots.

Introspection helps you understand what happens under the hood of your robots. A customizable graphical visualization of each robot log is just one click away.

Organize your data with tags or associate a robot log with a workflow through tags. Discuss logs with your team using the comment function, MARV Robotics will keep you automatically updated on recent changes.

Simplify your development process or continous integration setup. MARV Robotics has a simple but powerful HTTP API for integration with your existing tools.

Community Edition

Enterprise Edition

Rich in features, free open source, fully customizable, unlimited number of users, no node limitations, backed by active community.

Based on Community Edition plus evergrowing set of extra features, aimed specifically at professional users, including premium support options.

Automatic storage management
Growing set of customizable nodes for feature extraction
Write your own nodes as simple Python modules
Full support for ROS Bag format
Easy extension for other log file formats
Ships with commonly used predefined filters
Add filters that operate on features extracted by user-defined algorithms
Growing set of customizable widgets
Write your own widgets
Basic user management
Commenting on and tagging of robot logs
Fully configurable listing of robot logs
Fully configurable robot log detail view
Customizable summary views for listing and detail
Download of robot logs
Interactive filter widgets
Custom compare views to visualize differences between datasets
Browser-based download of partial robot logs
Streaming of partial robot logs
Browser-based video playback of camera data
Map widget for visualization and playback of GPS trajectories
Interactive visualization and animation of point cloud data
User-management and access control
Support third party OAuth2 providers
Regular updates
Priority support (review and development of custom nodes and widgets, integration in your workflows)
Embeddable into your products
License AGPL 3.0 Custom
Powered by MARV Community Edition (AGPLv3) MARV Enterprise Edition (Custom)
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Community Edition

Rich in features, free open source, fully customizable, unlimited number of users, no node limitations, backed by active community.

Automatic storage management
Growing set of customizable nodes for feature extraction
Write your own nodes as simple Python modules
Full support for ROS Bag format
Easy extension for other log file formats
Ships with commonly used predefined filters
Add filters that operate on features extracted by user-defined algorithms
Growing set of customizable widgets
Write your own widgets
Basic user management
Commenting on and tagging of robot logs
Fully configurable listing of robot logs
Fully configurable robot log detail view
Customizable summary views for listing and detail
Download of robot logs
Licensed under AGPL 3.0
Powered by MARV Community Edition (AGPLv3)
Star it on GitLab

Enterprise Edition

Based on Community Edition plus evergrowing set of extra features, aimed specifically at professional users, including premium support options.

All features of the community edition
and much more:
Interactive filter widgets
Custom compare views to visualize differences between datasets
Browser-based download of partial robot logs
Streaming of partial robot logs
Browser-based video playback of camera data
Map widget for visualization and playback of GPS trajectories
Interactive visualization and animation of point cloud data
User-management and access control
Support third party OAuth2 providers
Regular updates
Priority support (review and development of custom nodes and widgets, integration in your workflows)
Embeddable into your products
Available under custom license
Powered by MARV Enterprise Edition (custom license)
Get in touch
“What I love about Marv Robotics is how easy it is to implement visualization, introspection and search capabilities for our custom datatypes with the tools that I already use and know.”

- Nikolaus Demmel, Zenoway

Want to know more?