.. Copyright 2016 - 2018 Ternaris. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 .. _patterns: Patterns and known issues ========================= .. _optional_inputs: Optional inputs --------------- Starting with 18.07 inputs selecting individual topics are optional. Your node needs to be prepared that such a stream has no messages. The first ``yield marv.pull()`` will return ``None``. The ``msg_type`` attribute for a known-to-be-empty stream is ``None``. .. code-block:: python @marv.node() @marv.input('stream', marv.select(messages, '/optional/stream')) def mynode(stream): yield marv.set_header() deserialize = make_deserialize(stream) while True: msg = yield marv.pull(stream) if msg is None: break rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data) yield marv.push({'value': rosmsg.data}) .. _reduce_separately: Reduce separately ----------------- Message are read from bag files ordered by timestamp. For every stream (topic) a limited amount of messages is kept in deques in memory. Nodes consuming only one stream are immediately served. Nodes consuming multiple streams might end up waiting for messages from a stream seeing no messages, while the deque of another stream it is subscribed to is already phasing out message the node has not pulled yet. If this happens you will see a message of the form: .. code-block:: console Error: raw_messages pulled bagmeta message 0 not being in memory anymore. See https://ternaris.com/marv-robotics/docs/patterns.html#reduce-separately Depending on your use case you might succeed in simply increasing the cache size: .. code-block:: console marv run --cachesize 5000 ... However, typically it is a sign of a wrongly structured node graph. **BAD**: .. code-block:: python @marv.node() @marv.input('stream1', marv.select(messages, '/low/frequency')) @marv.input('stream2', marv.select(messages, '/high/frequency')) def mynode(stream1, stream2): yield marv.set_header() sum1 = None deserialize = make_deserialize(stream1) while True: msg = yield marv.pull(stream1) if msg is None: break rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data) sum1 += rosmsg.data sum2 = None deserialize = make_deserialize(stream2) while True: msg = yield marv.pull(stream2) if msg is None: break rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data) sum2 += rosmsg.data yield marv.push({'sums': [sum1, sum2]}) **GOOD**: .. code-block:: python @marv.node() @marv.input('stream1', marv.select(messages, '/low/frequency')) def sum1(stream1): yield marv.set_header() sum1 = None deserialize = make_deserialize(stream1) while True: msg = yield marv.pull(stream1) if msg is None: break rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data) sum1 += rosmsg.data yield marv.push({'value': sum1}) @marv.node() @marv.input('stream2', marv.select(messages, '/high/frequency')) def sum2(stream2): yield marv.set_header() sum2 = None deserialize = make_deserialize(stream2) while True: msg = yield marv.pull(stream2) if msg is None: break rosmsg = deserialize(msg.data) sum2 += rosmsg.data yield marv.push({'value': sum2}) @marv.node() @marv.input('sum1', sum1) @marv.input('sum2', sum2) def mynode(sum1, sum2): yield marv.set_header() sum1 = yield marv.pull(sum1) sum2 = yield marv.pull(sum2) yield marv.push({'sums': [sum1, sum2]}) If this does not cover your use case and you expect MARV to behave differently, please check whether there is a fitting [issue](https://github.com/ternaris/marv-robotics/issues) already. If no such issue exist, please open a new one providing a [minimal working example](https://github.com/ternaris/marv-robotics#reporting-issues--minimal-working-example). Set header ---------- ``yield marv.set_header(title='Title', ...)`` sets the header for a node's output stream. The header is available on the handle supplied to a node that requested the stream as input. Before setting a header a node can perform so far undocumented actions. Afterwards it can only pull and push messages. As long as a node did not set a header or started pushing messages, its downstream nodes cannot be instantiated. Therefore, it is good practice to ``yield marv.set_header()`` before starting to pull messages, independent of whether you want to set header fields.