Source code for marv_robotics.trajectory

# Copyright 2016 - 2018  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import numpy as np

import marv_api as marv
from marv_api.types import GeoJson

from .bag import make_deserialize, make_get_timestamp, messages

def _create_feature(coords, quality, timestamps):
    if len(coords) == 1:
        coords = coords[0]
        geotype = 'point'
        geotype = 'line_string'

    color = (
        (1., 0.00, 0., 1.),  # rgba
        (1., 0.65, 0., 1.),
        (0., 0.00, 1., 1.),
        (0., 1.00, 0., 1.),
    return {
        'properties': {
            'color': color,
            'width': 4.,
            'timestamps': timestamps,
            'markervertices': [c * 30 for c in (0., 0., -1., .3, -1., -.3)],
        'geometry': {
            geotype: {
                'coordinates': coords,

[docs]@marv.node(GeoJson) @marv.input('navsatfixes', default=navsatfix) def trajectory(navsatfixes): # Only one topic for now navsatfix = yield marv.pull(navsatfixes) # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if not navsatfix: raise marv.Abort() yield marv.set_header(title=navsatfix.title) features = [] quality = None coords = [] timestamps = [] while msg := (yield marv.pull(navsatfix)): timestamps.append(msg['timestamp']) # Whether to output an augmented fix is determined by both the fix # type and the last time differential corrections were received. A # fix is valid when status >= STATUS_FIX. # STATUS_NO_FIX = -1 -> unable to fix position -> color id 0 = red # STATUS_FIX = 0 -> unaugmented fix -> color id 1 = orange # STATUS_SBAS_FIX = 1 -> satellite-based augmentation -> color id 2 = blue # STATUS_GBAS_FIX = 2 -> ground-based augmentation -> color id 3 = green # -> unknown status id -> color id 4 = black if -1 <= msg['status'] <= 2: new_quality = msg['status'] + 1 else: new_quality = 4 # start new feature if quality changed if quality != new_quality: if coords: features.append(_create_feature(coords, quality, timestamps)) quality = new_quality coords = [] timestamps = [] coords.append((msg['lon'], msg['lat'])) if coords: features.append(_create_feature(coords, quality, timestamps)) if features: out = {'feature_collection': {'features': features}} yield marv.push(out)