Source code for marv_robotics.detail

# Copyright 2016 - 2018  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import json
from pathlib import Path

import marv_api as marv
import marv_nodes
from marv_api.types import Section, Widget
from marv_detail import make_map_dict

from .bag import bagmeta
from .cam import ffmpeg, images
from .gnss import gnss_plots
from .trajectory import trajectory

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

[docs]@marv.node(Widget) @marv.input('dataset', default=marv_nodes.dataset) @marv.input('bagmeta', default=bagmeta) def summary_keyval(dataset, bagmeta): """Keyval widget summarizing bag metadata. Useful for detail_summary_widgets. """ dataset, bagmeta = yield marv.pull_all(dataset, bagmeta) yield marv.push( { 'keyval': { 'items': [ { 'title': 'size', 'formatter': 'filesize', 'list': False, 'cell': { 'uint64': sum(x.size for x in dataset.files), }, }, { 'title': 'files', 'list': False, 'cell': { 'uint64': len(dataset.files), }, }, { 'title': 'start time', 'formatter': 'datetime', 'list': False, 'cell': { 'timestamp': bagmeta.start_time, }, }, { 'title': 'end time', 'formatter': 'datetime', 'list': False, 'cell': { 'timestamp': bagmeta.end_time, }, }, { 'title': 'duration', 'formatter': 'timedelta', 'list': False, 'cell': { 'timedelta': bagmeta.duration, }, }, ], }, }, )
[docs]@marv.node(Widget) @marv.input('dataset', default=marv_nodes.dataset) @marv.input('bagmeta', default=bagmeta) def bagmeta_table(bagmeta, dataset): """Table widget listing metadata for each bag of dataset. Useful for detail_summary_widgets. """ dataset, bagmeta = yield marv.pull_all(dataset, bagmeta) columns = [ { 'title': 'Name', 'formatter': 'rellink', 'sortkey': 'title', }, { 'title': 'Size', 'formatter': 'filesize', }, { 'title': 'Start time', 'formatter': 'datetime', }, { 'title': 'End time', 'formatter': 'datetime', }, { 'title': 'Duration', 'formatter': 'timedelta', }, { 'title': 'Message count', 'align': 'right', }, ] rows = [] bags = list(bagmeta.bags) files = list(dataset.files) rb2path = next((Path(x.path).parent for x in files if x.path.endswith('metadata.yaml')), None) for idx, file in enumerate(files): path = Path(file.path) if rb2path and path.relative_to(rb2path).parts[0] == 'messages': continue if path.suffix == '.bag': bag = bags.pop(0) rows.append( { 'id': idx, 'cells': [ { 'link': { 'href': f'{idx}', 'title':, }, }, { 'uint64': file.size, }, { 'timestamp': bag.start_time, }, { 'timestamp': bag.end_time, }, { 'timedelta': bag.duration, }, { 'uint64': bag.msg_count, }, ], }, ) else: rows.append( { 'id': idx, 'cells': [ { 'link': { 'href': f'{idx}', 'title':, }, }, { 'uint64': file.size, }, { 'void': None, }, { 'void': None, }, { 'void': None, }, { 'void': None, }, ], }, ) yield marv.push({'table': {'columns': columns, 'rows': rows}})
[docs]@marv.node(Section) @marv.input('title', default='Position and Orientation') @marv.input('plots', default=gnss_plots) def gnss_section(plots, title): """Section displaying GNSS plots.""" # tmps = [] # tmp = yield marv.pull(plots) # while tmp: # tmps.append(tmp) # tmp = yield marv.pull(plots) # plots = tmps # TODO: no foreaching right now plots = [plots] widgets = [] for plot in plots: plotfile = yield marv.pull(plot) if plotfile: widgets.append({'title': plot.title, 'image': {'src': plotfile.relpath}}) assert len({x['title'] for x in widgets}) == len(widgets) if widgets: yield marv.push({'title': title, 'widgets': widgets})
[docs]@marv.node(Widget) @marv.input('stream', foreach=images) # images is a stream of streams of images def galleries(stream): """Galleries for all images streams. Used by marv_robotics.detail.images_section. """ yield marv.set_header(title=stream.title) images = [] while img := (yield marv.pull(stream)): images.append({'src': img.relpath}) if images: yield marv.push({'title': stream.title, 'gallery': {'images': images}})
[docs]@marv.node(Section) @marv.input('title', default='Images') @marv.input('galleries', default=galleries) def images_section(galleries, title): """Section with galleries of images for each images stream.""" tmp = [] while msg := (yield marv.pull(galleries)): tmp.append(msg) if not tmp: raise marv.Abort() galleries = tmp galleries = sorted(galleries, key=lambda x: x.title) widgets = yield marv.pull_all(*galleries) if widgets: yield marv.push({'title': title, 'widgets': widgets})
[docs]@marv.node(Section) @marv.input('title', default='Connections') @marv.input('bagmeta', default=bagmeta) @marv.input('dataset', default=marv_nodes.dataset) def connections_section(bagmeta, dataset, title): """Section displaying information about ROS connections.""" dataset, bagmeta = yield marv.pull_all(dataset, bagmeta) if not bagmeta.topics: raise marv.Abort() columns = [ { 'title': 'Topic', }, { 'title': 'Type', }, { 'title': 'MD5', }, { 'title': 'Latching', }, { 'title': 'Message count', 'align': 'right', }, ] rows = [ { 'id': idx, 'cells': [ { 'text': con.topic, }, { 'text': con.datatype, }, { 'text': con.md5sum, }, { 'bool': con.latching, }, { 'uint64': con.msg_count, }, ], } for idx, con in enumerate(bagmeta.connections) ] widgets = [{'table': {'columns': columns, 'rows': rows}}] # TODO: Add text widget explaining what can be seen here: ROS bag # files store connections. There can be multiple connections for # one topic with the same or different message types and message # types with the same name might have different md5s. For # simplicity connections with the same topic, message type and md5 # are treated as one, within one bag file as well as across bags # of one set. If one of such connections is latching, the # aggregated connection will be latching. yield marv.push({'title': title, 'widgets': widgets})
[docs]@marv.node(Section) @marv.input('title', default='Trajectory') @marv.input('geojson', default=trajectory) @marv.input('minzoom', default=-30) @marv.input('maxzoom', default=40) @marv.input('tile_server_protocol', default='') def trajectory_section(geojson, title, minzoom, maxzoom, tile_server_protocol): """Section displaying trajectory on a map. Args: title (str): Detail section title. geojson: Stream with one GeoJson message. minzoom (int): Minimum zoom level. maxzoom (int): Maximum zoom level. tile_server_protocol (str): Set to ``https:`` if you host marv behind http and prefer the tile requests to be secured. Yields: Trajectory section. Raises: Abort: If stream is empty. """ geojson = yield marv.pull(geojson) if not geojson: raise marv.Abort() suffix = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png' # noqa: FS003 osm_attribution = ( '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' ) arcgis_attribution = ( 'Sources: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, ' 'USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community' ) layers = [ { 'title': 'Background', 'tiles': [ { 'title': 'Roadmap', 'url': ( f'{tile_server_protocol}//[abc]' f'/styles/osm-bright/rendered/{suffix}' ), 'attribution': osm_attribution, 'retina': 3, 'zoom': { 'min': 0, 'max': 20, }, }, { 'title': 'Satellite', 'url': ( f'{tile_server_protocol}//' f'/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{suffix}' ), 'attribution': arcgis_attribution, 'zoom': { 'min': 0, 'max': 18, }, }, ], }, { 'title': 'Trajectory', 'color': (0., 1., 0., 1.), 'geojson': geojson, }, ] dct = make_map_dict({ 'layers': layers, 'zoom': { 'min': minzoom, 'max': maxzoom, }, }) jsonfile = yield marv.make_file('data.json') with open(jsonfile.path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(dct, f, sort_keys=True) yield marv.push( { 'title': title, 'widgets': [{ 'map_partial': f'marv-partial:{jsonfile.relpath}', }], }, )
[docs]@marv.node(Section) @marv.input('title', default='Videos') @marv.input('videos', default=ffmpeg) def video_section(videos, title): """Section displaying one video player per image stream.""" tmps = [] while tmp := (yield marv.pull(videos)): tmps.append(tmp) videos = sorted(tmps, key=lambda x: x.title) if not videos: raise marv.Abort() videofiles = yield marv.pull_all(*videos) widgets = [ { 'title': video.title, 'video': { 'src': videofile.relpath, }, } for video, videofile in zip(videos, videofiles) if videofile is not None ] assert len({x['title'] for x in widgets}) == len(widgets) if widgets: yield marv.push({'title': title, 'widgets': widgets})