Source code for

# Copyright 2016 - 2019  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

import math
from contextlib import ExitStack
from itertools import count
from subprocess import PIPE

import numpy

import marv_api as marv
from marv_api.types import File
from marv_api.utils import popen
from marv_ros.img_tools import (

from .bag import make_deserialize, messages

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    cv2 = None

IMAGE_MSG_TYPES = ','.join([

def ros2cv(msg, scale=1, offset=0):
    if hasattr(msg, 'format'):
        return compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(msg)

    if 'FC' in msg.encoding:
        passimg = numpy.nan_to_num(imgmsg_to_cv2(msg))
        return cv2.convertScaleAbs(passimg, None, scale, offset)

    mono = msg.encoding.startswith('mono') or msg.encoding[-1] in ['1', 'U', 'S', 'F']
    return imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, 'mono8' if mono else 'bgr8')

[docs]@marv.node(File, version=1) @marv.input('stream',, IMAGE_MSG_TYPES)) @marv.input('speed', default=4) @marv.input('convert_32FC1_scale', default=1) @marv.input('convert_32FC1_offset', default=0) def ffmpeg(stream, speed, convert_32FC1_scale, convert_32FC1_offset): # noqa: N803 pylint: disable=invalid-name """Create video for each image topic with ffmpeg.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals yield marv.set_header(title=stream.topic) name = f"{stream.topic.replace('/', '_')[1:]}.webm" video = yield marv.make_file(name) duration = (stream.end_time - stream.start_time) * 1e-9 framerate = (stream.msg_count / duration) if duration else 1 deserialize = make_deserialize(stream) with ExitStack() as stack: encoder = None dims = None while msg := (yield marv.pull(stream)): rosmsg = deserialize( try: img = ros2cv(rosmsg, convert_32FC1_scale, convert_32FC1_offset) except (ImageFormatError, ImageConversionError) as err: log = yield marv.get_logger() log.error('could not convert image from topic %s: %s ', stream.topic, err) raise marv.Abort('Conversion error') if not encoder: dims = img.shape[:2] # yapf: disable ffargs = [ 'ffmpeg', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-pixel_format', 'gray' if len(img.shape) == 2 else 'bgr24', '-video_size', f'{img.shape[1]}x{img.shape[0]}', '-framerate', str(framerate), '-i', '-', '-c:v', 'libvpx-vp9', '-keyint_min', '25', '-g', '25', '-tile-columns', '4', '-frame-parallel', '1', '-an', '-f', 'webm', '-dash', '1', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-loglevel', 'error', '-threads', '8', '-speed', str(speed), '-y', video.path, ] # yapf: enable encoder = stack.enter_context(popen(ffargs, stdin=PIPE)) if dims != img.shape[:2]: log = yield marv.get_logger() log.warning(f'could not encode, image size changed {dims} != {img.shape[:2]}') return encoder.stdin.write(img) if not encoder: raise marv.Abort('No messages') yield video
[docs]@marv.node(File, version=1) @marv.input('stream',, IMAGE_MSG_TYPES)) @marv.input('image_width', default=320) @marv.input('max_frames', default=50) @marv.input('convert_32FC1_scale', default=1) @marv.input('convert_32FC1_offset', default=0) def images(stream, image_width, max_frames, convert_32FC1_scale, convert_32FC1_offset): # noqa:N803 """Extract max_frames equidistantly spread images from each image stream. Args: stream: sensor_msgs/msg/Image or sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage stream image_width (int): Scale to image_width, keeping aspect ratio. max_frames (int): Maximum number of frames to extract. convert_32FC1_scale (float): Scale factor for FC image values. convert_32FC1_offset (float): Offset for FC image values. Yields: Images section. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-locals yield marv.set_header(title=stream.topic) deserialize = make_deserialize(stream) interval = int(math.ceil(stream.msg_count / max_frames)) digits = int(math.ceil(math.log(stream.msg_count) / math.log(10))) name_template = '%s-{:0%sd}.jpg' % (stream.topic.replace('/', ':')[1:], digits) # noqa: FS001 counter = count() while msg := (yield marv.pull(stream)): idx = next(counter) if idx % interval: continue rosmsg = deserialize( try: img = ros2cv(rosmsg, convert_32FC1_scale, convert_32FC1_offset) except (ImageFormatError, ImageConversionError) as err: log = yield marv.get_logger() log.error('could not convert image from topic %s: %s ', stream.topic, err) return height = int(round(image_width * img.shape[0] / img.shape[1])) scaled_img = cv2.resize(img, (image_width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) name = name_template.format(idx) imgfile = yield marv.make_file(name) cv2.imwrite(imgfile.path, scaled_img, (cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 60)) yield imgfile