Source code for marv_api.ioctrl

# Copyright 2016 - 2020  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

from contextvars import ContextVar

from capnp.lib.capnp import KjException

from marv_pycapnp import Wrapper

from .iomsgs import (
from .utils import err

NODE_SCHEMA: ContextVar[dict] = ContextVar('NODE_SCHEMA')

[docs]class Abort(Exception): # noqa: N818 pass
[docs]class ReaderError(Exception): """A file could not be read, full node run is aborted."""
[docs]class ResourceNotFoundError(Exception): """Requested resource could not be found."""
[docs]def create_stream(name, **header): """Create a stream for publishing messages. All keyword arguments will be used to form the header. """ assert isinstance(name, str), name return CreateStream(parent=None, name=name, group=False, header=header)
[docs]def create_group(name, **header): assert isinstance(name, str), name return CreateStream(parent=None, name=name, group=True, header=header)
[docs]def get_logger(): return GetLogger()
[docs]def get_requested(): return GetRequested()
[docs]def get_resource_path(name: str) -> GetResourcePath: """Request path to resource from site/resources. Treat resource as readonly, do NOT modify. Args: name: Name of resource, interpreted as path relative to resource directory. Returns: GetRequestPath request to yield to marv. """ # We validate once we process the request and throw excepetion into node. return GetResourcePath(name)
[docs]def make_file(name): assert isinstance(name, str) return MakeFile(None, name)
[docs]def pull(handle, enumerate=False): """Pull next message for handle. Args: handle: A :class:`.stream.Handle` or GroupHandle. enumerate (bool): boolean to indicate whether a tuple ``(idx, msg)`` should be returned, not unlike Python's enumerate(). Returns: A :class:`Pull` task to be yielded. Marv will send the corresponding message as soon as it is available. For groups this message will be a handle to a member of the group. Members of groups are either streams or groups. Examples: Pulling (enumerated) message from stream:: msg = yield marv.pull(stream) idx, msg = yield marv.pull(stream, enumerate=True) Pulling stream from group and message from stream:: stream = yield marv.pull(group) # a group of streams msg = yield marv.pull(stream) """ assert isinstance(handle, Handle), handle return Pull(handle, enumerate)
[docs]def pull_all(*handles): """Pull next message of all handles.""" return PullAll(handles)
[docs]def push(msg): schema = NODE_SCHEMA.get() if schema is not None and not isinstance(msg, Wrapper): try: msg = Wrapper.from_dict(schema, msg) except KjException: from pprint import pformat # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel _node = schema.schema.node err( f'Schema violation for {_node.displayName} with data:\n' f'{pformat(msg)}\nschema: {_node.displayName}', ) raise return Push(msg)
[docs]def set_header(**header): """Set the header of a stream or group.""" # If a node is configured to have a header, the header needs to be # set before yielding any messages or creating group members. Once a # header is set, a handle is created and dependent nodes can be # instantiated. For streams without headers this happens right away. # # @marv.node(header=True) # def node(): # yield marv.set_header(title='Title') # # """ return SetHeader(header)