Source code for marv_api.decorators

# Copyright 2016 - 2020  Ternaris.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

from inspect import getfullargspec, isfunction, isgeneratorfunction

from pydantic import Field

from .dag import Inputs, Node, Stream
from .utils import NOTSET, exclusive_setitem, popattr

[docs]class InputNameCollisionError(Exception): """An input with the same name already has been declared."""
[docs]def input(name, default=NOTSET, foreach=None, type=None): """Declare input for a node. Plain inputs, that is plain python objects, are directly passed to the node. Whereas streams generated by other nodes are requested and once the handles of all input streams are available the node is instantiated. Args: name (str): Name of the node function argument the input will be passed to. default: An optional default value for the input. This can be any python object or another node. foreach (bool): This parameter is currently not supported and only for internal usage. type: Stream message type. Returns: The original function decorated with this input specification. A function is turned into a node by the :func:`node` decorator. Raises: TypeError: If type not supported for input stream. """ # NOTE: Foreach is deprecated and does not need a proper exception assert default is NOTSET or foreach is None if foreach is not None: default = foreach if type is None and default in (NOTSET, None): raise TypeError("'type' is needed if 'default' is None or not set") if hasattr(default, '__marv_node__'): default = default.__marv_node__ if isinstance(default, Node): default = Stream(node=default) if type: raise TypeError("'type' is not (yet) supported for input streams") field = Field(default) def deco(func): if foreach: # NOTE: Foreach is deprecated and does not need a proper exception assert not hasattr(func, '__marv_foreach__'), 'Only one input may declare foreach' func.__marv_foreach__ = name inputs = func.__dict__.setdefault('__marv_inputs__', {}) exclusive_setitem(inputs, name, (type, field), InputNameCollisionError) return func return deco
[docs]def node(schema=None, group=None, version=None): """Turn function into node. Args: schema: capnproto schema describing the output messages format group (bool): A boolean indicating whether the default stream of the node is a group, meaning it will be used to published handles for streams or further groups. In case of :paramref:`marv.input.foreach` specifications this flag will default to `True`. This parameter is currently only for internal usage. version (int): This parameter currently has no effect. Returns: A :class:`Node` instance according to the given arguments and :func:`input` decorators. Raises: TypeError: If not called, double decorated, or not generator. """ if hasattr(schema, 'from_bytes_packed'): # capnp schema # There are two known variations: # - marv_nodes/types.capnp:Dataset # - marv_api.tests.types_capnp:Test schema = schema.schema.node.displayName.replace('.capnp', '_capnp')\ .replace('/', '.') elif isfunction(schema): raise TypeError('Decorator must be called @marv.node() before being applied.') def deco(func): if hasattr(func, '__marv_node__'): raise TypeError('Attempted to convert function into node twice.') if not isgeneratorfunction(func): raise TypeError(f'{func} needs to be a generator function') foreach = popattr(func, '__marv_foreach__', None) inputs = popattr(func, '__marv_inputs__', {}) argspec = getfullargspec(func) missing = inputs.keys() ^ argspec.args unsupported = { x for x in ( 'varargs', 'varkw', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs', 'kwonlydefaults', 'annotations', ) if getattr(argspec, x) } if missing: raise TypeError(f'Missing input declarations: {missing}') if unsupported: raise TypeError('Only positional arguments allowed in function signature') func.__marv_inputs__ = Inputs.subclass(func.__module__, **inputs) func.__marv_inputs__.__qualname__ = f'{func.__qualname__}.__marv_inputs__' func.__marv_node__ = Node( function=f'{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}', inputs=func.__marv_inputs__(), message_schema=schema, group=group, version=version, foreach=foreach, ) func.clone = func.__marv_node__.clone return func return deco
# NOTE: Strictly speaking not a decorator but related to decoration of node functions
[docs]def select(node, name): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Select specific stream of a node by name. Args: node: A node producing a group of streams. name (str): Name of stream to select. Returns: Node outputting selected stream. """ return Stream(node=node.__marv_node__, name=name)
# NOTE: Strictly speaking not a decorator but related to decoration of node functions def getdag(node): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return node.__marv_node__